BLAU, "Johnny Blue" Armand

Registration Nr.: 02700 / V 00630
Birthday: 03.03.1929, LuxembourgCity
Father: Charles BLAU
Mother: Marie THILLMANN
Service entry: 06.05.1946
Contingent: 2nd
Ranks: Soldat de 2e Classe
Soldat de 1re Classe (1947)Death: 24.02.2010, Harlingen (NL)
Armand’s military career began with his conscription in May 1946. In Korea, he served as a supplier, providing the machine gunners in his squad with enough ammunition. Beginning of August 1952, Armand had to be hospitalised because of severe injuries sustained in a fight with Jean Simon, who happened to have threatened him during an illicit nightspending in Seoul. His superiors sanctioned Armand for misdemeanor, cancelled his contract and sent him home in November 1952.
According to some sources, upon his return to Luxembourg, Armand immediately left the Army in February 1953 and emigrated to Switzerland to work in the gastronomic sector. Later he moved to the Netherlands.
He wrote several books and articles about the Second World War and the Korean War. In 1993, he published the book “Krieg im Land der Morgenstille: Der Luxemburger Einsatz in Korea”. Later, he also released a photo collection about the two Luxembourg contingents entitled “Luxemburger Soldaten im Einsatz in Korea 1950-1953”.
Armand is buried in the Dutch city of Harlingen.