Registration Nr.: V 00777 / S 0341
Birthday: 23.07.1931, Wiltz
Father: Paul KRYLOFF
Mother: Cathérine EWEN
Service entry: 08.03.1949
Contingent: 2nd
Ranks: Soldat de 2e Classe
Soldat de 1re Classe (1951)
Caporal (1951)
Sergent (1956)
Sergent-Chef (1963)
Adjudant (1972)
Adjudant-Chef (1978)
Adjudant-Major (1980)
On 8 March 1949, Ilia joined the Army with the intention of becoming a military official. Later, ranked Caporal, he volunteered for the second contingent.
Following his father’s advice, Ilia adopted a non-Russian sounding name for the duration of his deployment to Korea, as his family had fled Communist Russia and was therefore branded enemy of the “Revolution”. Indeed, Paul Kryloff feared that his son might be handed over to the Soviets after being captured by North Korean troops. As an alias, Ilia took the French version of his middle name, Georgi, and his mother’s last name - resulting in: Georges Ewen.
During the war, he served as second in command of his squad and volunteered as a scout for every patrol conducted by the Luxembourgish platoon. In September 1952, he led his squad under difficult circumstances to the “KING” outpost and received a military commendation for his outstanding courage.
After his return to Luxembourg, Ilia continued to serve in the Luxembourg Army as a driving instructor for new recruits. After a successful military career, Ilia retired on 24 July 1986 with the rank of Adjutant-Major.