GEIB, "Gebbi" Georges

Registration Nr.: V 00702 / S 0344
Birthday: 16.02.1930, Esch/Alzette
Father: Jean-Pierre GEIB
Mother: Madeleine SCHARTZ
Service entry: 05.02.1948
Contingent: 1st
Ranks: Caporal (1950)
Sergent (1956)
Sergent-Chef (1963)
Adjudant (1972)
Adjudant-Major (1978)Death: 29.12.2015, Hamm
Since he was a child, Georges (“Gebbi”) had always been fascinated by the military. Reaching the eligible age of 18, he was called up to serve his mandatory term in 1948. In 1949, he decided to voluntarily extend his military service and report to the first Luxembourgish contingent. According to his own statements, basic training in Luxembourg was mainly theoretical, while in Beverloo (Belgium) they focussed on the practical part, which included urban warfare. Although this was not really suited for the Korean battlegrounds mostly situated in rural areas, Georges estimated that the paratrooper training facility provided ideal conditions to prepare for the difficult task fighting communist aggression in the Far East.
In Korea, he led the first Luxembourgish night patrol. The objective was to identify enemy positions in no man’s land. The patrol got into a firefight injuring Léon Moyen and Henri Schreiner. Georges was later decorated for the successful rescue of the wounded.
After his return from the war, Georges gradually lost his enthusiams for the military world and eventually reported to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. However, he formally remained in the Army until his retirement in 1985.
He was also secretary of the Association des Anciens Combattants.