
Registration Nr.:    01775 / V 00528

Birthday:    31.07.1928, Stadtbredimus

Father:    Nicolas GOLDSCHMIT

Mother:    Anne WIRTZ

Service entry:    09.07.1945

Contingent:    2nd 

Ranks:    Soldat de 2e Classe
                  Soldat de 1re Classe
                  Sergent (1951)

Death:    01.02.1959, Luxembourg City

Ernest joined the Luxembourg Army in July 1945 and was attached to the Ist Battalion stationed in Walferdange. In September 1945, he was transferred to the Corps de la Garde. He re-enlisted in July 1946.

As a Sergent, Ernest served as section leader in the second contingent. On 11 September 1952, he was wounded during an enemy offensive, but refused to leave the battlefield. Despite his exemplary attitude, the injuries he sustained disabled him from fighting on the frontline, which caused him on a later stage to be reattached to the battalion as a medic.

Paul Lamesch, Nicolas Kremer and Erny left Korea on 3 February 1954. With 692 days of service, they belong to the very few veterans, who extended their contractual term of 365 days. Back in Luxembourg, Ernest continued his military career and was promoted to Sergent-Chef tit. in January 1956.

On 1st February 1959, he was involved in a car accident on the Passerelle in Luxembourg City, when he crashed into a tramway. Ernest suffered serious injuries and was transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital, where he tragically died at the age of 30.

Croix d'Honneur et de Mérite militaire en bronze (Lux.)
Médaille du Volontaire de Guerre Combattant avec barrette en argent (Bel.)
United Nations Service Medal (UNO)
Korean War Service Medal (RoK)
Médaille du Volontaire de Guerre avec barrette en bronze (Bel.)
Médaille Commémorative des théâtres d'opérations extérieures (Bel.)
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