LUTTY, Rodolphe


Registration Nr.:    10686 / 0191

Birthday:    31.10.1928, Luxembourg City

Father:    Charles LUTTY

Mother:    Anne FAULBECKER

Service entry:    21.11.1950

Contingent:    2nd 

Ranks:    Soldat de 2e Classe
                  Soldat de 1re Classe (1951)
                  Adjudant de réserve (1951)
                  Lieutenant de réserve (1951)

Death:    31.05.2008

Rodolphe (“Rudy”) was called up for compulsory military service in 1947. In 1950, he rejoined the military as a volunteer and entered the Cadre réserve as a Lieutenant in 1951. In March 1952, Rudy was appointed commander of the second Luxembourgish contingent.

At Chokko-Ri, on 26 September 1952, he was wounded by heavy enemy artillery fire during a Chinese offensive, during which Caporal Mores was fatally injured. After the war, Rudy entered the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr, France, to become an officer. He resigned from his active military service on 15 June 1986. As President of both veterans associations, the AACL (Association des Anciens Combattants Luxembourgeois de la Guerre 1939-45 et des Forces des Nations Unies) and the LKA (Luxembourg Korean Association), he actively contributed to the remembrance of war veterans and of their sacrifices. Furthermore, he organised numerous trips to Korea to commemorate the Luxembourgish deployment overseas.

Croix d'Honneur et de Mérite militaire en argent avec palme (Lux.)
Croix de Guerre (Lux.)
United Nations Service Medal (UNO)
Korean War Service Medal (RoK)
Médaille Commémorative des théâtres d'opérations extérieures (Bel.)
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